速報APP / 房屋與房產 / DIY Fly Trap

DIY Fly Trap





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



DIY Fly Trap(圖1)-速報App

The summer is the season of excitement and it’s also the season of flies! This summer get rid of them all with the most amazing DIY Fly Trap

Flies are one of the most annoying insects in the world because of their loud and continuous buzz and their uncanny ability to come from out of nowhere. Catching a fly is a daunting task and it not only requires great skill but also a very high degree of precision. No one can claim that he excels in the art of catching a fly. These little harmless annoying insects ruins our night and spoils our mood and now is the time to rise up and catch them all.

This summer don’t let the fly mess your nights up and leave you with endless itches and bumps. This is the season to build your very own DIY Fly Trap and catch those uncatchable insects once and for all. These easy to make DIY Fly Trap are undoubtedly the most amazing creation of our creative team of developers and help you get rid of one of the most common problem faced by people from all across the world.

The simple design and great accessibility of the DIY Fly Trap give you a better than an average chance to win this battle against the annoying flies. A trap which can be easily made from the material found commonly at home. This app teach the user the basic art of survival and saves the most important aspect of the night, SLEEP! It’s time to get rid of useless equipment and methods and switch to a creation of your very own, the remarkable DIY Fly Trap.

DIY Fly Trap(圖2)-速報App

Following is a list of Amazing Features of DIY Fly Trap

• Simple & Effective Design

• Easy to Make

• Environment Friendly

DIY Fly Trap(圖3)-速報App

• Best for All Rooms and Gardens

• Flexible and Adjustable

• Perfect for Homes and Offices

• Perfect for Educational Institutions

DIY Fly Trap(圖4)-速報App

• New and Effective Design

• Durable and Reusable

Here is a list of content in this app:

Traps To Catch Flies

DIY Fly Trap(圖5)-速報App

How A Fly Trap Works

Homemade Fly Trap 1

Homemade House Fly Trap 2

Home Based Fly Trap 3

DIY Fly Trap(圖6)-速報App

Get Rid Of Those Pesky Fruit

Two-ingredient Fruit-fly Trap

Slightly More Elaborate Trap

The Paper Cone Method

DIY Fly Trap(圖7)-速報App

The Compost Method

Apple Cider Vinegar Trap

Homemade Fly Paper

Wine And Mango Diy Fly Trap

DIY Fly Trap(圖8)-速報App

Honey And Banana Diy Fly Trap

Sticky Fly Paper

Fly Trap With A Glass

Variations Of The Drowning Method

DIY Fly Trap(圖9)-速報App

We always stay up to date with the latest upcoming and new DIY Fly trap ideas and the app is constantly updated to keep our users up to date with all the latest and creative environmental friendly designs.